Tuesday 2 February 2016

Richie's two year toddler update

It was my son's second birthday on the 13th of January, so I thought I would give you some update on  his schedule and a lot more.

First of all he looks just like his father, the only resemblance with me is his eyes and hair. He is around 88 cm (35 in) and 13 kilos (28,6 lb). His clothes size is 2 or 2-3 years. He has 18 teeth, the rest are coming now.

His schedule is really convenient now: he wakes up between 7-8, then we change clothes and play a bit in my bed, then we have breakfast around 8-8.30. It's usually porridge with fruits or eggs with veggies. Then he has a snack before nap time which can be fruit, veggie, popcorn, yoghurt, cottage cheese or something like these. He takes a nap around 11 and wakes up around 12.30-13.00 pm. Then we make lunch together. His favorites are pasta or rice with tomato sauce, minced beef and veggies, with cheese on top. But basically he eats and loves everything even like grapefruit. Funny because he hadn't been eating much until he turned 1. So back to the schedule - he has a snack in the afternoon too and then we eat dinner together with his dad, he usually has a sandwich with veggies and fruits while we eat some fruits or veggies. He takes his bath
around 7.30 pm, then goes to bed in his room around 8-8.30 pm. Then around 10-11 pm he comes to our bed and sleeps there till the morning. He loves sleeping with me and cuddling at night - although he is not the cuddly type.

He still has breastmilk at nap time and when he wants closure.
He hasn't been wearing diapers for 4-5 months now.

Favorite toys: cars, balls, balloons, duplo cars - he is a manly man :D - and he loves dancing. He loves being outside, riding motorbike or bike (without pedals) and going to the playground.
Favorite TV program: Minuscule (bugs)

Talking: he speeks perfectly like 10-20 words, he knows the names of the family members, but he knows almost all words but has different (but similar) names for them. He can tell everything he wants: has to pee, hungry or anything.

He doesn't go to preschool or kindergarten yet, he will go when he turns 3. He looooves kids, he is never jealous of his toys or myself, he is really generous and does everything to get a kid to play with him. He also loves animals which reminds me that he is also really 'obedient', he never does the important things that he mustn't do. Like we have never put gate on the stairs when he was smaller, cause he just never does what he is told not to.

He loves helping out with housework, like vacuuming, wiping, cleaning the floor, spraying, getting out dishes of the dishwasher, loading washing machine, putting away toys, putting wood in the fireplace etc.

Alltogether he is a happy, content, easy toddler, always smiling and laughing and I love him more than anything in this world.

P.S. I will put up a video with him this week on my YouTube channel, stay tuned for that and subscribe to my channel!

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